Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

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  • Please do not drop off students via the parking lot for student safety.
  • Students may not be on campus prior to 7:45 as we do not have supervision for them.
  • At 7:45 the first bell rings and all school rules apply.
  • The MPR is open for breakfast and supervision for all grades at 7:45. Kindergarten will stay in the MPR until just before 8:00 and will be walked to Kindergarten by a staff member and our 6th grade Link Crew. 1st-6th grade students will be excused from the MPR to go to their lines on the blacktop starting at 8:00. Once students enter the MPR they must stay in the MPR until they are dismissed by staff/student monitors. 
  • The MPR door closes at 8:00. Students may enter school through one of the two entrances that is most convenient to them - valet gate on Christine Drive or Cooper park gate. The front office entrance will be closed for grades 1 - 6.
  • Students entering from the Cooper and Valet gates between 8-8:10 are welcome to come to the MPR door near the Valet gate for a grab and go breakfast or snack for later.
  • As part of our school safety plan, we have staff stationed at each entrance to ensure that only students enter campus during the school day. Parents must go through the office to sign in before they are allowed on campus.
  • Cooper staff will be there to assist students find their line on the blacktop once they say goodbye to parents at the gate. You will be able to see your student from outside the fence.
  • Parents volunteering on campus must sign in at the front office. Office staff will check for fingerprints on file and each approved volunteer will receive a name badge prior to entering campus.
  • It is recommended for every student to bring a refillable water bottle.
  • Lunch will be provided to all students. Students may also choose to bring lunch from home.
  • It is helpful if you communicate your plan for student dismissal with your child and their teacher to avoid any confusion.



Please keep in mind that the first dismissal bell rings at 2:30. We practiced with our closest classes and the soonest a student will be at the gate is 2:32. We encourage families to meet their student(s) at the Cooper Park gate at dismissal. This gate provides a less congested option for pick up and allows families to meet and interact while picking up their student(s). If picking up from the Valet Zone, please plan for some congesting. This congestion is caused by individuals either leaving their car OR waiting for up to 20 minutes for students to come out. At 2:40 traffic will begin to flow and typically by 2:50 all traffic is gone. Cars arriving prior to 2:30 are what creates the congestion and angst for the rest of the community. The map and plan below is what we implemented last year with input from our community, neighbors, and Safe Routes to School staff.

Please be respectful to our Campus Monitors and school staff who are doing our best to keep all our Comets (and ourselves) safe. We also ask that you share this information with any care providers that might be picking up your student(s). Our Comets are always watching and listening to imitate our adult words and behaviors. Patience is key as we work through this together.






This zone in front of the Cooper Parking Lot is coned off each day is for our Vacaville Unified School Bus ONLY. There is no parent parking available in this zone at any time during the school day. You will note that it is a red zone and we do not want you to get a ticket. We have permission to use it for the school bus for drop off and pick up of students riding the bus ONLY. Thank you for your helping out our wonderful bus driver---she's hiding in these photos.


Stars: Drop Off/Pick Up Locations - Cooper Gate & Valet Gate.

Open Yellow Arrows: Valet Gate Loop - Use When Your Student is Not at the Gate.

Filled Yellow Arrows: Walking Path from Stanford Street


Stanford Street: 

 There is plenty of parking on Stanford Street. Please be respectful of our Cooper Neighbors by not parking in their driveways or blocking their vehicles. You can walk along the path (noted by solid yellow arrow) and students enter/exit campus via the Cooper Gate.


Cooper Park:                                                                                                                                           Many families choose to park further down Christine near the park and walk up to the school or have their Comets meet them at the vehicle. Especially for our older Comets this tremendously helps ease congestion near campus. There is no school supervision at the park.


Cooper Gate: Providing school access from Christine Dr., Cooper Park, Stanford St. and homes across Ulatis; the Cooper Gate is the entrance on the rear of our campus. This gate is staffed from 8:00-8:20 (when locked please walk around to check in at the front office) and 2:20-2:45.

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Comet Valet/Valet Gate: The Valet Gate has space on either side of the gate for family members to walk up and wait for your Comet. We have Campus Monitors staffing this gate at all times while gate is open.


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  Just like the airport, if you are here for more than a minute or two, we'll motion for you to take a loop around and rejoin the line when your child has reached the area. Everyone's time is important. Courtesy for one another by not taking up spaces when students are not present will help us tremendously ease the traffic congestion. If you have a student in grades 1-3 and a student in grades 4-6, please wait until 2:30 to arrive to the gate. Our oldest Comets seem to take the longest to get to the Valet Gate.

If you'd like to volunteer to support our Valet Zone, we'd love your help. It would be from 2:20-2:50 any Monday-Thursday and 12:15-12:50 on Fridays. Please contact Ashley Margolin if you are interested in volunteering at a[email protected].

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